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London PIDs Workshop

The FREYA project in collaboration with JISC are coordinating a two day international strategy workshop on persistent identifiers (PIDs) for research.
Nov 12, 2018 to Nov 13, 2018 (Europe/Amsterdam / UTC100)
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The FREYA project in collaboration with JISC coordinated a two day international strategy workshop on persistent identifiers (PIDs) for research. The workshop aimed to bring together international PID experts and leaders of PID systems applicable in scholarly communications.

The objectives of the workshop were to catalyze opportunities for international joint action. A previous workshop in Singapore identified three core areas that were further discussed during this workshop:

  1. Principles of good PID systems
  2. Value and impact analysis of PID systems based on some common scholarly workflows
  3. Potential joint action around messaging and metrics

The London PIDs Workshop was an invitation only event that aimed to bring together international PID experts and leaders of PID systems.

A short report of the workshop and its main outcomes is available here.


