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EOSC Stakeholder Forum

On 21 and 22 November the second "Stakeholder Forum" of the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) will take place in Vienna.
Nov 21, 2018 to Nov 22, 2018 (Europe/Amsterdam / UTC100)
Vienna, Austria
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On 21 and 22 November the second "Stakeholder Forum" of the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) will take place in Vienna. An event organized by the EOSCpilot project. See for more information: https://eoscpilot.eu/events/second-eosc-stakeholders-forum

During this event we look back at the first two years of the EOSCpilot project and the results achieved in the area of EOSC governance, policies, training and the EOSC Science Demonstrators. In addition, we will focus on the further development of EOSC and this obviously requires active participation from all relevant stakeholders.

EOSC is a scientific Open Science infrastructure for which the EU has reserved a total of 272 M € within the Horizon 2020 budget. FREYA is an essential component of the EOSC infrastructure and will be represented during the Forum.
