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IPres 2019 - 16th International Conference on Digital Preservation

Helena Cousijn (DataCite), Ginny Hendricks (Crossref) and Alice Meadows (ORCID) will present a paper on persistent identifiers as part of the preservation strategy
Sep 16, 2019 to Sep 20, 2019 (Europe/Amsterdam / UTC200)
Amsterdam (NL)
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During IPres 2019, Helena Cousijn (DataCite), Ginny Hendricks (Crossref) and Alice Meadows (ORCID) will present a paper on persistent identifiers entitled "Incorporating persistent identifiers in a preservation strategy". This presentation is part of the panel "Sustainability" chaired by Craig Van Dyck (CLOCKSS). 

In this panel discussion, representatives from leading PID organizations will explore roles that PIDs can play in digital preservation strategies. The participants will engage in a conversation on how PID providers can work with the preservation community, and what preservation strategies they should be deploying with PID metadata.  

More information about the conference can be found here: https://ipres2019.org