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The future of the PID Forum is assured!

The future of the PID Forum is assured as NISO has been selected and agreed to taking over the operating of pidforum.org after the end of the FREYA project.

EOSC Projects EXPO Launched and Exhibitors Wanted!

Organised as part of the upcoming EOSC-hub, FREYA, SSHOC joint event Realising the European Open Science Cloud, the EOSC Projects EXPO is the first virtual exhibition to showcase EOSC initiatives and projects, and is expected to generate significant knowledge exchange, synergies, and networking.

FREYA Ambassador Competition Winners

FREYA is delighted to announce the winners of the 2020 FREYA Ambassador Competition. Due to the high calibre of entries this year, we decided to award the prize to two winners, Claudia Alén Amaro of Instruct-ERIC and Luc Boruta of Thunken.

Guest webinar: CoronaWhy Knowledge Graph - 1st September 2020

CoronaWhy (https://www.coronawhy.org) is a globally distributed, volunteer-powered research organisation, trying to assist the medical community’s ability to answer key questions related to COVID-19. In this webinar, you will learn more about the CoronaWhy community, collaborative intelligence and usage of Linked Data for the building integration layers between datasets produced by human experts and existing machine learning algorithms.

Webinar: The PID Graph in practice - Jupyter Notebook demonstration - 27th August 2020

The PID graph can link PIDs together via relations in their metadata to enable the discovery of connections at least two “hops” away. In this online demonstration, we will present several use cases that FREYA has identified throughout the project. Taking these use cases as examples, we will show how Jupyter notebooks can be used to query the DataCite GraphQL service and gather information through the PID Graph.

FREYA Ambassadors Competition

The FREYA project wants the global research community to know about the benefits of persistent identifiers, and the way in which linking persistent identifiers (PIDs), or creating a PID Graph, can make researchers’ lives easier. In this competition we want to know how the FREYA ambassadors, will utilise or could benefit from the PID Graph.

Can you help sustain the PID Forum?

Currently, the PID Forum is managed and financed by the FREYA project. Since the project is ending in November of this year, a new host is needed.

New Blog: Introducing the PID Services Registry

Datacite is pleased to announce the launch of the new persistent identifier (PID) services registry available at https://pidservices.org, a new service to find services built upon different PIDs from core technology providers and those who integrate from across a variety of disciplinary areas.

New blog: Powering the PID Graph: announcing the DataCite GraphQL API

DataCite has just launched a new API that powers the PID Graph, the graph formed by scholarly resources described by persistent identifiers (PIDs) and the connections between them. The API is powered by GraphQL, a widely adopted Open Source technology that enables queries of this graph, addressing use cases of our community in ways that were not possible before.

The PID forum goes multilingual

Thanks to the support of the FREYA international ambassadors community, the PID Forum is being enriched with multilingual content

FREYA webinar on the NARCIS PID Graph

The FREYA-EU project and DANS-KNAW are organising a webinar on the work on the PID graph and NARCIS, the Dutch portal for scientific information, on April 9 at 15:30 CET.

Ambassador Competition Winner!

FREYA is delighted to announce that Melroy Almeida is the winner of the 2019 FREYA Ambassador Competition. Melroy will travel from Brisbane Australia to Lisbon for PIDapalooza 2020 to present 'Building ORCID Collaboration Networks Using PID Graphs'.

New blog: Services to Support FAIR Data - From Recommendations to Actions

Read about "Services to Support FAIR Data: From Recommendations to Actions" in this blog post reporting back from the #osfair2019 workshop organized by @OpenAIRE_eu , @FAIRsFAIR_EU @RDA_Europe @EOSC_eu and #FREYAprojectEU https://www.project-freya.eu/en/blogs/blogs/repost-services-to-support-fair-data-from-recommendations-to-actions

New blog: Meet the FREYA partners: ARDC

Many different organisations are involved in FREYA and in this blog post series we take a closer look at the partners and their work. This time you can read about ARCD, the Australian Research Data Commons.

Meet the FREYA partners: PANGAEA

Many different organisations are involved in FREYA and in this blog post series we take a closer look at the partners and their work. This time you can read about PANGAEA, an Open Access library aimed at archiving, publishing and distributing geo-referenced data from earth system research.

The PID Graph within the RDA: FREYA/RDA UK Node Workshop

On Tuesday 16 July, FREYA and the RDA UK Node teamed up for a workshop on persistent identifiers. With almost 70 delegates, hosted at the Wellcome Trust, the event provided a great opportunity for a UK audience to engage with FREYA's work and the role of the project within the RDA and beyond. This event was the second workshop arranged by the UK node of the RDA which is co-ordinated by STFC and JISC.

Meet the FREYA partners: DataCite

Many different organizations are involved in FREYA and in this blog post series we take a closer look at the partners and their work. This time you can read about DataCite, a leading global non-profit organisation that provides persistent identifiers (DOIs) for research data.

New RDA Interest Group: Open Science Graphs for FAIR Data IG

The goal of the RDA Open Science Graphs Interest Group (OSG IG) is to investigate the open issues and identify solutions towards achieving interoperability between services and information models of Open Science Graph initiatives.

New blog: Meet the FREYA partners: EMBL-EBI

Many different organizations are involved in FREYA and in this blog post series we take a closer look at the partners and their work. This time you can read about the European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI), ‘Europe’s home for big data in biology’

FREYA midway webinar is online

The FREYA midway webinar is now available on our YouTube channel! In this webinar we look back at the progress of the first part of the project and discuss the PID Graph, new PID types, and the growth of a PID community.

New blog: Historic literature, DOIs & PIDapalooza

Read about the experience at PIDapalooza from our FREYA ambassador Nicole Kearney. She won the FREYA ambassador competition and presented her work on PIDs for out-of-copyright materials.

Programme 13th RDA plenary available

FREYA will be at the RDA Plenary in Philadelphia to engage with the PID community. Check out the programme and join our sessions!

New blog: Meet the FREYA partners: STFC

Many different organizations are involved in FREYA and in this blog post series we take a closer look at the partners and their work. This time you can read about STFC, The Science and Technology Facilities Council (part of UK Research and Innovation).

FREYA Ambassadors Competition

Submit your best initiative for promoting PIDs, and win in the opportunity to come along to PIDapalooza 2019!