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EOSC Projects EXPO Launched and Exhibitors Wanted!

Organised as part of the upcoming EOSC-hub, FREYA, SSHOC joint event Realising the European Open Science Cloud, the EOSC Projects EXPO is the first virtual exhibition to showcase EOSC initiatives and projects, and is expected to generate significant knowledge exchange, synergies, and networking.

Who should attend

Anyone with an interest in EOSC developments should register and visit our virtual exhibition:

  • Research & Academic institution representatives
  • Libraries and other research support staff
  • Researchers and research associations
  • Industry & private sector
  • EOSC-related projects
  • Research and eInfrastructures
  • Policy makers
  • Funding agencies
  • High performance computing centres
  • Standards bodies
  • Civil society and citizen scientists
  • Publishers
  • Data service providers

NOTE that only registered attendees will be given access to the virtual exhibition platform, so:



Call for Exhibitors

If you are contributing to the development of the EOSC and would like to share some of your results, you’re encouraged to exhibit.

DEADLINE FOR EXHIBITORS: 6 November 2020, 12:00 CET. 

Here are some of the criteria for selection:

  • Booth should exhibit project results or initiatives and how they contribute to the EOSC
  • Potential exhibitor should be an existing contributor to the EOSC initiative
  • Relevance to the target audience of the expo
  • Richness of the media to be exhibited

Please note that limited spots are available. 


Virtual Exhibition Features

Interactive environment

Break away from Zoom fatigue and experience virtual interaction in a new way! Connect with old acquaintances and meet new ones!

Exhibition Hall

An Exhibition Hall accessible via browsers will showcase all the booths in an animated virtual environment. Each booth can host videos, posters, flyers, and brochures, and enable multiple representative exhibitors from your organisation to answer questions from visitors through chat. 


Visitors will be given an e-briefcase to store all the material emailed to them by the exhibitors. 

Networking Lounge

A virtual lounge will be set up for people to network and meet each other.

Scavenger Hunt and Leaderboards

Visitors can hunt for hidden clues and rise up the leaderboards to win prizes!


Best Booth Contest

A contest will be run for the best exhibition booth. Aside from prizes (to be announced later), all the material showcased at the winning booth will be sent to all the attendees of the Realising the EOSC conference. The following are the criteria for judging:

  • 30% - Public voting (number of votes collected via the voting system)
  • 30% - Soundness of content
  • 25% - Relevance and clarity of messageSS
  • 15% - Design, visuals and attractiveness

A jury of three will be appointed from each of the main organisers - EOSC-hubFREYA and SSHOC to provide scoring on the soundness of content relevance and clarity of message, and design, visuals and attractiveness. 

